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once again pissed off at censoring / sanitising language in subtitles. it's infantilising. I use subtitles all the time because of tinnitus and auditory processing issues, and I'll be damned if I want a bunch of handwringing prudish cunts fucking about with the language. censor ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in accessibility tools. I promise we're grown up enough to handle some swears and sex words, for shit's sake.

Zoe boosted

uspol? USA medicare vent 

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@impactology a lot of people are terrified to be dependent on others and does everything they can to push people away, the thought of failure is terrifying. The last thing they want is to be embarrassed, that's a reminder that they are dependent on others.

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Everything that you know about design and designing, every every method, principle, thumb rule, procedure, pattern, process, concept, technique that got codified into what you think of best practices was socially constructed. It was conceived and imagined by folks trying to experiment.

Don't mistake thinking that a certain way of designing is set in stone.

Zoe boosted

@phoronix @gpuopen "The code was released with AMD's approval through an email. AMD's legal department now says it's not legally binding, hence the rollback. [...] At this point, one more hostile corporation does not make much difference." does amd want to share their perspective?

Zoe boosted

@sr_ekot four mysterious death at one battery manufacture? Nothing to see here, move along.

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Zoe boosted

Open-Source AMD GPU Implementation Of CUDA "ZLUDA" Has Been Taken Down

Back in February of this year you may recall the interesting news that was announced on Phoronix that AMD Quietly Funded A Drop-In CUDA Implementation Built On ROCm: It's Now Open-Source. That open-source ZLUDA code for AMD GPUs has been available since AMD quit funding the developer earlier this year. But now the code has been retracted. It's not from NVIDIA legal cha…

My original goal when starting here was to have as many followers as on the bird site, unfortunately the lack of porn bots is making that goal difficult.

Zoe boosted

Sweeney's done a much better job with this then I have. I realized this year that Apple's been actively exploiting one of my personal traits - that I generally refuse to participate in pointless arguments & logical fallacies. So by default I ignore the noise, but because its Apple, leaving it unsupervised allows it devolve into Dante's Inferno.

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Zoe boosted

@realn2s the failure to get the office of budget responsibility to sign of was the whole cause of the Liz Truss crisis.

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@AnarchoNinaWrites @thebrand @justafrog I sometimes forget that my particular mix of neuro divergence, dyslexia, and upbringing leads to an often difficult to parse phraseology.

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@maggiejk @samohTmaS @covid_stats I don't know if they still test the sewage water, but that is a common and effective way to estimate population level infection.

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@impactology @scienceforthepeople tragedy of the common can only be observed when their exist a barrier to corporation, like when Nepal band the communal management of the forest and lost large part of it.

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@mekkaokereke this is what people miss about DEI/EGS, it's literally an investment in a more palatable organisation.

Zoe boosted

Everyone that understands this, predicted Twitter's revenue drop and valuation drop well in advance. 🙋🏿‍♂️

If you drive away the people that create disproportionate amounts of fun, engaging content (Women, Black folk, young folk, LGBTQIA), then engagement will go down.

If you increase the people who create politically divisive content (yes, this is a euphemism for racist and transphobic content) then you will also drive away advertisers.

What does this have to do with Mastodon?


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@karolherbst It said that progress occurs one death at a time. These is why experts are so important, if you don't live and breath these things it's much easier to continue to belive what you already do. Especially if you are financially well off; it has worked fine for *me* all this time, why change it now?

Zoe boosted

@ShadowJonathan @realn2s yeah, absolutely. It just that anyone that start their campaign now, and hire competent people, will be told beyond all doubt that neoliberalism is dead.

Imagine a world leader on a neoliberal campaign is as crazy to me as having one run on replacing NASA with astrologist.

Zoe boosted

War, Russia, and propaganda 

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