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Competition is a scam, the zero sum game isn't real.

Fetishizing conception brings no clarity,
to our influence over an undefined future.

Zoe boosted

This is an unconventional but interesting usage of Mesa in X-Plane:

Really cool to see what Zink is enabling.

I hate choices, and I know others do too.
I try to give people a preference whenever I am asked.

Life is entropy finding equilibrium.

I am considering posting once a day as kind of a challenge, each post will be anything that reveals something about how I think.

I have happily called my self an Atheists. I still believed it was more likely that Jesus Christ walked among us then (non-terrestrial) aliens.

The Labour Theory of Value is a scam, all humans are valuable regardless if they work or not.

Zoe boosted

It seems like the majority of medically-recognised #Autistic traits are not autistic traits per se.

They are trauma responses common in autistic people.

I'm "more interested in things than people?" Maybe "things" don't turn hostile on me for unexplained reasons.

I'm dogmatically insistent that nobody can understand my mind but me? Maybe my entire childhood was spent resisting adults telling me they knew my mind better than I did.

This is also why "autistic traits" can seem contradictory. Both "talks about their interests all the time even in inappropriate settings" and "never talks about their interests" can be part of a diagnosis.

Because the latter is a trauma response to having the former shut down.

Is there an untraumatised autistic person?

I actually don't think so. So the map of what autism looks like to clinicians is shaped by our trauma.

And this probably compounds their impression that we're somehow defective, which in turn compounds the attitudes used to break us.

I just wanna be seen as a person.

Zoe boosted
Zoe boosted

This tracks. OpenAI used underpaid gig workers in Kenya to make ChatGPT function as advertised. And they forced those workers to look at and classify abusive content all day. So weird how the new miracle tech turned out to be the old capitalist abuse of labor trick.

Zoe boosted

Marines tricked an Aai designed to detect humans by....not acting normal

Zoe boosted

Since I just saw yet another developer use '' in an example configuration, a reminder that you MUST NOT use publicly routable addresses that you do not control in your code.

Instead, use one of the available 'TEST-NET' IPv4 or IPv6 ranges documented in RFC 6890, such as;


Pass it on to all of your fellow developers, documentation writers, and so forth.

Full RFC is here;

Zoe boosted

"Billionaires like Bill Gates and Elon Musk assume that a superintelligent AI will stop at nothing to achieve its goals because that’s the attitude they adopted. Of course, they saw nothing wrong with this strategy when they were the ones engaging in it; it’s only the possibility that someone else might be better at it than they were that gives them cause for concern."

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I am increasingly convinced that you can't steel something clearly marked as being for sale, it's a sale. It can not ba a crime to take something from a store shelf. The store can however demand payment.

Debt collectors* should aid sellers in collection of their customers debt, not the police. It shall not be crime to buy things from an seller, or to be in debt to said seller.


*Their exist no reason debt collection can't be a well regulated industry.

Zoe boosted

Many will read this story and think, "well they're undocumented immigrants they put themselves and their children in this position."
Exactly. You are the human trafficker. You are what makes it possible. You want victim culpability, not systems critique. Not those with power over them. To allow them to exist in a world where subsistence is desperation.

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Zoe boosted
Zoe boosted

PSA for for pretty much everyone, even those who aren’t new - there is another mass migration underway. Meaning lots of accounts are being created on instances all across the fediverse, and the people behind those accounts are exploring, introducing themselves, and so on. Some instances handle this load better than others.

PLEASE NOTE: while you can migrate an account to a new instance and your followers will move with you, however doing so during times like this may cause that to not work correctly.

Please be patient with instances that are have trouble keeping up. They will get it under control. We are all doing the best we can. Most all instances are funded by donations from members. If you are able, look at your instance’s /about page and consider donating.

Zoe boosted

Boost if you agree with this generic statement of core human decency/obvious political pandering, which I am definitely making to raise awareness and not as a cynical attempt to raise my own visibility (although of course if that were to happen as a side effect of being boosted a lot I would not mind)

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