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OpenVPN is one of the most secure #VPN protocols — and it is now in beta on our #Android app. (It's also coming soon to iOS!) ProtonVPN early access users can choose the speed of IKEv2 or the stability of OpenVPN on their Android device. Read more here:

The cucking is coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!!!
Poll: Majority of Republicans and gun owners support "red flag" gun laws

Speaker #NancyPelosi has a demonstrated record of abusing the perks of office which gave her access to military luxury travel paid for by taxpayers. So sign JW's petition to help us expose the full truth of this congressional abuse of taxpayer dollars.

Original Tweet:

9:30 AM - 20 Aug 2019

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Look away from your screen for a bit. Allow your eyes and mind to rest.

Announcing Forever Data Plans is becoming more popular as a Google Drive alternative. We are excited to see the user adoption and now are taking to the next level.

So far the plans have all been free. Some folks including @JoeMomma69 asked for MORE DATA and so we said how about MORE DATA FOREVER?

Here is a preview of the Forever Data plans:

100 GB - $39
250 GB - $69
500 GB - $99
750 GB - $129
1 TB - $149
2 TB - $249

Buy it once and have secure cloud data FOREVER. Pay with credit card, PayPal, or crypto (e.g. BTC). One and done.

These plans are available now -- you will need an account at to purchase one of the "Forever Armored" plans. servers are in an underground bunker with encrypted drives. In combination with the Anonymize VPN, data is end to end 100% secure.

Thanks for co-creating with Epik!

Package Release: 08/20 tor Tor: a network of virtual tunnels that allows people to improve privacy and security on the Internet

Recently, Slashdot quietly removed one of its earliest features, which had been available since 1997: the ability to post comments as an "Anonymous Coward." And while the feature returned within five days, it returned in a largely nerfed format.

So long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who wish to tyrannize will do so; for tyrants are active and ardent, and will devote themselves in the name of any number of gods, religious and otherwise, to put shackles upon sleeping men.
-- Voltairine de Cleyre

#anarchism #quote #bot

Healthcare Professional Explains Why It’s Absolutely Vital To Let Your Doctor Know Your Biological Sex

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