The “kitted” DSP platform is altogether now, such that it is. It’s not the cleanest-looking mock-up in the world, but it will get the job done. I believe I may hold off on working with it much until I arrive back later this week. It might be a good idea to clean up the lab area since I finally have a sensible hardware platform for prototyping.
The “new” amplified I prototyped probably isn’t required, and it is not quite right, in terms of design, due to the reliance on a double-ended power supply and amplifier configuration. The single supply amplifier design from the other week was tweaked to amplify at 10x, rather than only 2x, and the result is a maximum Vpp of 1V, which is the current target.
These oscilloscope pics show the original and then output signals, along with the iPhone playing the constant synth sound!
We are now looking into the input amplifier and DSP input stage design. A gain amplifier is needed to give the signal enough amplification to fill out the 1V range used in the DSP engine. At present, the USB audio interface will handle 48 kHZ/16bits. For any higher range, and we are looking at 192kHz at 24bits, but that will require an external CODEC. Planning this prototype to get things going.
Fun weekend near Boone in the NC mountains! #family #easter #peaceandquiet #boone #andersonfamily #fun #cabin #2022
Born: Radford, Va. USA 1973
Lives in Charlotte, NC
Occupation: Software Engineer