Fun weekend near Boone in the NC mountains! #family #easter #peaceandquiet #boone #andersonfamily #fun #cabin #2022
Stick Practice 1 of Many 2022:
Tonight's practice concerned agility in bass and melody sides, major scale practice, some chord practice and 10 minutes of new improved practicing.
Nice early morning find! I cracked the difficulty I had in really "mimicking" C++ public method and (likely) variable access using GObject/C It was all right here in this link:!
Work continues and with the the Cairo rotation figured out, now I need to get into a place a way for the Cairo surfaces to be redrawn appropriately. This could be a prototype for an OpenGL implementation, but we'll wait and see. If I get the threading in place, it's useful for Cairo, as well as OpenGL.
Born: Radford, Va. USA 1973
Lives in Charlotte, NC
Occupation: Software Engineer