Work is continuing on the audio platform - and simulator - user interface. I have spent a lot of time learning about and implementing C/GTK’s object-oriented way of doing things. .
Continuing work on the audio platform, and this time I doing some careful study and work on building GTK+ widgets in GObject classes. This is how the GTK+ graphics framework, or really Glib, uses C to build object-oriented APIs.
The beginning of the GTK+ project to support a new audio effects platform I am working on. Two hours this evening and I have a generic module being added to an interface.
Starting to put together a long range plan on projects. Here it goes: Linux Effects - first priority, then AnaddrSynth, and then some game, followed with research into computer vision, AI, and ML. I'll start posting updates here.
Started back on the analog synth project, which was really shelved around 2011/2012. Ordered ADSR module parts for prototyping. Next step, work with the existing MIDI-CV module. Also, I am starting to dabble with the Unity Game engine.