cameron boosted

To all that are using :popos:, the GNOME Shell / Mutter optimization patches were pushed to the stable repositories last night.

After upgrading to the latest packages, you will need to reboot in order to see the improved :gnome: performance.

A recap of all of the included patches will be in this week's, "This Week in Pop!"

#Pop_OS #GNOME #Linux

cameron boosted
cameron boosted

#PeerTube 1.3 released 🎉

Adds playlist support, videos quarantine system (auto blacklist videos on upload) , Japanese & Nederlands & Português (Portugal) support, better instance's followers management and many more!

We also updated the documentation website:
We hope it's clearer than before.

Thanks to all PeerTube contributors 😘

cameron boosted

I can't believe it has come to this.

If you are using your FOSS projects to limit choice and drive your political agenda, you are no more an agent of freedom than self indulgent corporations who use software to drive their commercial agendas. For instance, you are no different than Microsoft.

The freedom in free software isn't freedom to be told what to do, what to believe, what opinions to hold, and who to talk to.

Let the Fediverse be free and open to everyone.

Gab thought experiment #2 

@clacke The debate isn’t whether moderation is a good thing (it is) It’s where should the moderation take place. I think instances should moderate, low level tools shouldn’t.

Gab thought experiment 

Gab thought experiment #2 

Gab thought experiment 

Gab thought experiment 

Gab thought experiment @brainblasted @dirb *fediverse, not dedicated. @brainblasted @dirb Um we’re talking about apps. I know how the dedicated works. The instance owner and the user are the ones responsible for moderating content, the app developer should be unbiased because they’re just one person and can’t be trusted to always make the right decision. Just like you wouldn’t block people at the ActivityPub protocol level.

@brainblasted @dirb The idiots who want you dead can still speak words through the air, you wouldn’t ban them from using the air though. Or maybe you would idk

@sjw Yep, if the protocol does this filtering eventually someone will abuse the power. People need to imagine a fringe group they agree with getting blocked and see how they would feel about it.

@solder_on And abortionists, absolutely. Not the app developers job. The end user, or the person that curates content for the end user should do this. It’s not the web browser’s job to filter web content, it’s the work vpn’s job. What if you want to get on their insurance for research purposes to learn how to deradicalize your neighbor or something? If you can’t foresee every eventuality err on the side of freedom.

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