Alvaro boosted
Alvaro boosted

I'll start like this...
I'm a Russian citizen and student, and I'm scared, but I don't want to live with the idea that I didn't say anything. I am against the war, I am against Putin and all his power! We (Russian citizens) will have to pay for the decisions of his government. Peace, know that Putin is not Russia! Putin is not the voice of the citizens of Russia!
Ukrainians, sorry, but we didn't mean it...
Russia will be free!

#Russia #Ukraine #NoWar #OpposeWar

Alvaro boosted

#2582 Data Trap 

Alvaro boosted

Si certains pleurnichent parce qu'on tape sur RT, je rappelle ce "détail".

En Russie, Russia Today a encouragé les gens à se faire vacciner et à respecter les mesures barrières et a traité de "idiots" et "saboteurs" ceux qui diffusent des théories conspis sur le Covid.

En Allemagne, en France et dans les autres pays Occidentaux, Russia Today est au contraire une source d'inspiration pour tous les amateurs de "faits alternatifs" sur le Covid.


Here is the list of people that needs to be sanctioned first.
All their direct family became radiactive and assets are removed or thoroughly inspected outside Russia. For example:

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