4chans operation seems to have succeeded, the "alternative" media has allready boosted their ideology.
Most notably Phillip DeFranco, who fell for the anti free speech narrative while not reporting on the efforts of 4Chan to boost this perspective. He even pointed to Tim Pool, a reactionary news channel with ties to more alt right channels.
Phill d source https://invidio.us/watch?v=Gb1kkxYNC3s
Tim connected to the alt right source (takes side with Sargon)
4Chan, another heaven for "free speech, anti censorship" and a safe space for bigots, has tried to use pew to serve as a platform for "the red pill" ideology.
Now they jumped on the opportunity again, they were organizing for up voting comments that pushed their agenda.
Source https://www.reddit.com/r/PewdiepieSubmissions/comments/d2gtc3/regarding_adl/
Pewds fans are saying all the right wing talking points to denounce the ADL. They say they are anti free speech, pro censorship, anti white, runned by jews etc.
Image credit https://imgur.com/a/s3DFQ1N
Boy oh boy, another reason not to watch videos who don't denounce the alt right / havr reactionary communities!
#pewdiepieblackmail is a thing now.
Tldr, Felix donated to an charity that advocates against antisemitism, the ADL. They were in opposition to pewds actions when the whole kill all jews "edgy haha joke" thing broke down. Pew fans got mad because they called him a bigot, now that pew donates to the ADL his community turns against pewds.
we're not antisemi! *donates to ADL, ADL IS JEW
me: i would like healthcare and enough money to eat and pay rent please
rich and powerful people: no that's communism
me: okay i'm a communist
r & p people: no wait
It is proven! I am alexesc on Keybase: https://keybase.io/alexesc/sigchain#5e41a9bd0969acdc2208f4d822a3977a2f858e33a3599efc7ac4986d25c187750f
Your password must contain:
At least one upper class character
At least one lower class character
At least one symbolic character
At least one character being punished by the gods
At least one character with a dark secret
At least one character who pilots a giant robot
At least one character torn by unrequited desire and self-reproach
At least one character from the Supplemental Outer Ideographic Plane
At least one space station
At least one instance of the string 'password'
At least one number
see pinned post