The Trouble with the Video Game Industry | Philosophy Tube
Gamers of the world, unite!
I wrote a guide on how to optimize your site to emit less carbon and get top marks on web speed tests.
GreenGeeks helps me get high scores as they run on sustainable energy and their servers are very responsive so have fast first byte time.
@redstarfish wadup tecloriboi
@natecull The failure of "tech" (that is: infotech and especially Silicon Valley / venture-funded Web-centric / adjacent start-ups) to address major real world concerns strikes me as among the biggest of the #BigProblems.
The "whys" of that are complex and interesting.
By direct analogy:
'Design' of a car should refer to how the engine works, how toxic it is, whether it kills people when it crashes, can it brake in time, etc.
Not 'how does it make people feel in the showroom'.
But words have drifted and we now use 'engineering' to mean 'the important parts of a system that matter enormously, which we don't want to talk about anymore, mostly because we can't/won't change them for business reasons'.
see pinned post