@alex_esc_blog_posts Works for good, yaaay!
On his newest vid he went on and on with the reactionary "games don't cause violence" meme, when in fact pewdipie is missing the whole point.
A medium in itself doesn't create violence, but a medium gained and tailored by alt right extremists do. It's people like him that perpetuate violence, racism, homophobia etc, not the games; its the people playing the game of normalization.
I haven't watched #pewdiepie since the Christchurch mosque shootings, the shitpost had gone way to far. I refused to give my attention to a creator who wouldn't try to make things right.
Now that I watched his latest video w/ Dr phill I can't see why I ever watched pewds videos.
They aren't funny.
Leaving @write_as behind, not because I think their service is bad, but because I'm in too deep into GitHub Pages.
I'm moving my federated feed to @alex_esc_blog_posts
Meaning freedom is not a noun, but a verb. Freedom is something we do, we do it everyday with #Foss and #libresoftware.
If you want to be a slave, then consume away, but if you want to be free then make, remix, share and build together - only as a team we can create our liberty.
I just had this idea about freedom in an online landscape:
If the four basic freedoms in software according to Richard Stallman are:
1. To contribute
2. To distribute
3. To enjoy others contributions
And the fourth freedom, also called the zero-th freedom is:
0. To run
Then to be free in online spaces we first need the conditions for content creation (to contribute, distribute & add up contributions) but to actually be free we must run the freedoms, to be free we must create.
My periodic reminder:
If you see software that's actively marketed to you, it's a guarantee that a) that software is not something you need, b) if you nevertheless "want" it, then it's not the best nor the lowest cost option.
Never trust marketing. Ever. Do your own research to avoid buyer's remorse, or worse.
I finally got around to fixing my blog RSS, still waiting for it to work. #fingerscorssed
So far it lays some ground to a pet peeve of mine: That there's some sort of big relation, or the laying of ideological basis, of the general ideas between the tech community and right wing thought.
At least I brought with me a digital copy of Angela Nagle's Kill all normies.
Kill all normies has been in my reading list for some time now & the recent school shootings in America bumped the book to the top of my list.
Today's my first day in the semester, and so far my teacher, whose 4 hour class I'm sitting in, hasn't arrived. #bored
I'm sighing on the inside.
cases for #art linked stuff to let be and be free?
#newpipe just had an update! The biggest highlight is that now videos resume playback upon exit. Awesome a much needed update to make it on pair with YouTube!
Is is me or #alternatives often have better #userexperience than the real thing?
Counter arguments is at a #enlightenedcentrism level of understanding of Internet political discourse tbh.
I just finished Douglas Rushkoff's Team Human and God damn!
What an amazing work or art, Doug's podcast had been playing on my speakers for about a year now, but actually sitting down and reading the book took it to the next level.
I feel the urge to jump, run and hug. Team Human set a spark in me to find the others.
Book review coming soon!
see pinned post