The Trouble with the Video Game Industry | Philosophy Tube
Gamers of the world, unite!
I wrote a guide on how to optimize your site to emit less carbon and get top marks on web speed tests.
GreenGeeks helps me get high scores as they run on sustainable energy and their servers are very responsive so have fast first byte time.
I've never experienced email spam quite as I do with WT
@johnpierremaeli timeless
@liaizon especially with autocorrect on
@redstarfish wadup tecloriboi
@dredmorbius @natecull @zensaiyuki 2/3
I genuinely think users have a powerful creative drive, just look at meme culture. If the predominant platforms are hot, we will melt them with creativity!
In some ways I find the 'normie' internet very liberating, and the linuxy internet very conservative and restricting; while the normies are drawing memes, the privacy freaks are hidden inside the Tor network.
@dredmorbius @natecull @zensaiyuki
On today's popular apps like whatsapp and Instagram there's the idea of the story, users create photos, draw pictures, share and make derivatives of others work and they do it not for likes, but for pleasure.
Everybody and their dog has a blog / podcast and so on.
The platform monopolies can't do anything but serve the people with tools for creation. Yes, Netflix is a hot medium, but users, we're cold.
@dredmorbius @natecull @zensaiyuki I'm still an optimist about the web and digital media.
When I went on my Linux / privacy veganism phase I begun to think the web and computers are doomed, since only experts and hobbyists would program, and thus, truly participate.
But coming out of that mindset I think creativity is key for digital today...
@natecull The failure of "tech" (that is: infotech and especially Silicon Valley / venture-funded Web-centric / adjacent start-ups) to address major real world concerns strikes me as among the biggest of the #BigProblems.
The "whys" of that are complex and interesting.
@dredmorbius @natecull @zensaiyuki I think that might have more to do with the idea of Hot media vs Cold media.
The web is definitely a cold medium tho.
@alexbuzzbee Like yeah, I agree.....BUT
IDK I just get this great cynicism in the idea that power would somehow work against the intrests of power in some other industry.
For the gov to rain down on big tech would be nice, but then again Trump just had a secret meeting with Zucc, GitHub / Microsoft and amazon work for ICE, Google makes image recognition for American drone strikes, and so on.
By direct analogy:
'Design' of a car should refer to how the engine works, how toxic it is, whether it kills people when it crashes, can it brake in time, etc.
Not 'how does it make people feel in the showroom'.
But words have drifted and we now use 'engineering' to mean 'the important parts of a system that matter enormously, which we don't want to talk about anymore, mostly because we can't/won't change them for business reasons'.
@johnpierremaeli assholes, I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
see pinned post